ep.14: Does Your ADHD Make You a Pinball?

ep.14: Does Your ADHD Make You a Pinball?

Do you feel like a pinball? If you’re an adult with ADHD, you will automatically know what I mean. It’s when you go to do something and you get sidetracked 15 times from the original thing, usually because something new catches your attention all along the...
ep.13: Are You Ignoring Your Future Self?

ep.13: Are You Ignoring Your Future Self?

Let’s flip the script – how are you treating your future self? Is it with respect and care or are you neglecting yourself to deal with the fallout of your current decisions? In this episode, I turn the spotlight on our relationship with our future selves...
ep.12: Stopping Sneaky Procrastination

ep.12: Stopping Sneaky Procrastination

Ever found yourself cleaning the cat box when you should be studying? Or spent hours researching something unrelated when you were supposed to be working on a project? These are just some of the sneaky ways our brains trick us into procrastinating, especially when...
ep.11: Overcoming Impulsive Spending

ep.11: Overcoming Impulsive Spending

You know that rush of adrenaline when you make an impulsive purchase? This is a common challenge that I have encountered myself and have seen in adults with ADHD. In this episode, I walk you through my journey to financial stability and teach you the tools to manage...
ep.10: April Not Another Needle

ep.10: April Not Another Needle

When life handed April Kerr a diagnosis of ADHD amidst the chaos of a global pandemic, she didn’t just cope, she flourished. This vibrant Irish nurse turned her home gym into her own personal haven and seized the opportunity to switch careers. April’s...
ep.09: How to Not Fail Ahead of Time

ep.09: How to Not Fail Ahead of Time

Are you unknowingly sabotaging your own success before you even start? Let’s unravel that today! I’ll be sharing how fear of failure, self-doubt, and confusion often lead us to forego our dreams, thereby ensuring failure before we’ve even given...