ep 29: Building The Habit of Self-Discipline

ep 29: Building The Habit of Self-Discipline

Today, I am sharing with you a mini course that I put together on self-discipline, how to do what you say you will do. What is it? Why does it matter? What’s the secret to keeping promises to ourselves and how to make it impossible to fail. I will also share...
ep.28: Adult ADHD Symptoms

ep.28: Adult ADHD Symptoms

Today’s episode has been a long time coming. I hope that this is helpful to you guys. I’ve been wanting to do a symptoms quiz for a long time, so I do have a quiz for you to help evaluate your executive function skills. I will give you the link at the end...
ep 27: How To Use Easy Habits To Do Anything

ep 27: How To Use Easy Habits To Do Anything

Today we’re going to talk about how to use easy habits to do anything. In this episode, I’m going to help you create ADHD friendly goals. And when I say goals, I do not mean it’s the new year. You’ll hear more about it here so stay tuned! If...
ep26: Being In A Hurry To Change

ep26: Being In A Hurry To Change

Have you ever found yourself sprinting toward your goals, only to trip over your own feet and eventually get burnt out? Having a pressure to achieve your goals ASAP leads to burnout as soon as we have any obstacles, difficulties, illnesses, or sometimes we just get to...
ep 25: Your Relationship With You and Others

ep 25: Your Relationship With You and Others

Today we’re talking about the 4th part of ADHD Academy course, your relationship with you and others. In this episode we talk about the inner dialogue that can often hold us back, and I offer solutions to help empower you to use your inner voice. We’ll...