ep.21: Relaxation vs. Laziness

Are you caught in an endless battle distinguishing between relaxation laziness? If so, you’re not alone. Many adults with ADHD grapple with this challenge due to factors like a perpetually buzzing mind, an unending to-do list, impulsivity, and less than stellar time management skills.

In this episode, I’ll share strategies to help you enhance these skills and encourage you to build better habits, like scheduling time for relaxation and embracing healthier ways to de-stress.

So, let’s take this journey together today as we untangle these knotted concepts.

What you’ll learn:

  • Identifying differences between relaxation and laziness
  • The potential root causes behind the struggle to relax
  • How to schedule time for relaxation and find healthy ways to de-stress
  • Crucial executive function skills often found lacking in adults with ADHD

“Your current behavior might look like laziness, but you’re not a lazy person. You’re simply weak in the skills that would help you more easily get things done right now. Lazy is not who you are.”

Useful links:

Listen to the episode:

Watch the Video on Youtube: